Wednesday, December 12, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! (not).

It does not feel like Christmas time without snow. 80 degrees, sun, slight breeze, it’s nice, but Im used to cold, cold. -15, snow, slush, the works. As Christmas nears, I’ve been doing a lot of reflection in regards to what it actually means. It’s great to get gifts, be with family, and celebrate all cozy, but if you think about it-   I have been pretty blessed by being able to celebrate Christmas with my family. To have the same tradition for years, and to be in the presence with the ones that mean the most. Waking up Christmas morning, looking out the window, snow on the ground frost on the windows, homemade carmel rolls in the oven, I guess when you’re away from something you love, you tend to miss it the most. Being here for Christmas will be different, I’m not going to lie, I probably will get a little homesick, but at the same time, if things are going as they are now, it’s going to be unbelievably busy. My 2/3 are in Haiti this week and I have been working 14 hour days. Waking up with some serious puffy eyes= not attractive. Especially when you have kids asking, “Magdalena, what happened to your face?” 

Here’s the quick run down: 

Last week: spent some time with one of my little buddies, Jofran. 3 years old, barely shows emotion, unless you bribe him with chocolate. His face is normally like this -_-, even when you tickle him. But then you say the word chocolate and boom :D Anyway, he and I have been spending time together. We go for a walk, usually to count all the busses and say what colors they are. It’s just a sweet time. Makes me smile because he is so quiet, but when we were walking and looking the busses he was just a chatty cathy. 

Friday: Home Alone with my boys. Best decision OF MY LIFE. They had already seen it, which I was surprised by, but it was still fun. We set up the projector, made popcorn, and just hung out. They were asking me before, is this the movie with keBin? HAHA! It was great. They were all laughing, getting a big kick out of keBin and it was just fun to be a part of. They all get so excited, all hands on deck, everyone helping to get it set up, Ricardito makes the popcorn, he’s our little chef, and then we turn off the lights, and it’s movie time. 

Last Saturday was Confirmation. My two godchildren were confirmed!! I was like a proud mom. Got a little teary. They were so proud. 

Sunday: We had an awesome visitor day. Avriel arranged a visit of 80 people and although she wasn’t there, she really nailed that one on the head. It was so fun. I was in charge, running around, making sure everything was set in place, taking pictures, signing up sponsors for our children, anyway we had Mass, a picnic lunch, games in the afternoon, and to end the day, SANTAAAAA CAME! It was so fun. The women that came were from the International Women’s Club in Santo Domingo. They brought their families, kids, and then a group of students from the capital also came. It was so fun- especially to see the older kids get really into it and competitive. Not to mention, Kieran, our national director, play the games too. 


Monday: A group of kids who won a drawing contest for our 2013 calender went to the movies. Nelly, a Spanish volunteer, and I took the kids to see Rise of the Guardians or Twilight. I was in the Twilight group and it was just really fun to be with a group of kids, outside of NPH. (And I got my share of deep belly laughs because I was sitting next to Josecito, the boy I scared in the video in one of my first posts, he has the best reactions). 

This weekend is my weekend off, but Sunday is the start of Mañanitas, which I don’t want to miss! We wake up at 5am and celebrate the Nativity scene 10 days before Christmas. So, Friday I will do a lot of sleeping, probably clean my room, because dear Lord is it dirty, and then just hang. I do want to make Christmas goodies with my boys for the Nursing home near by, we will see if that happens this weekend or next! Kids are in exams, school is out next week for a MONTH and then Christmas, New Years, Three Kings day, and our 10th anniversary. Lots coming up, keeping busy, and staying warm (literally)! 

To wrap things up, I want to leave you with a quote, 

 Enjoy! xx

1 comment:

  1. these pictures are beautiful. Miss you like always and glad to see you are still having a wonderful time with your kids.:) :)
