Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas Everyone! I hope you all enjoyed your time with family, friends, and loved ones. We made it through down here. All the kids had a great holiday and even the leading up to it as well. Let's start from the beginning. 

Mañanitas: OVER. I can sleep in until 7am now. whoaaa. watch out. They were really cool to experience. Really cool to be a part of. When it was the volunteer's turn to re- enact the nativity scene we had some helper's come to the door to dress up- one of them being my boys, Rodolfo. He and I dressed up as the donkey and I dressed up as the cow. Quite the combo, no? The next day, it was the director's turn, who also needed some extra bodies, so Avriel and I dressed up as 2 of the 3 kings as well as Sister Maria. OH! I was woken up at 530am in the morning by Marijo, who was acting as Mary, saying, "Madelon, Madelon... get up. We have to get to Bethlehem!" Awesome. Jumped out of bed and off we went. 

Donkey and Cow (for my Irish Dancers- I am still living the role of MadCow. MOO!) 

SuperStar and Super preg. 

Three Kings- SUPPP

Best looking crew Bethlehem ever saw.                                

Noche Buena (Christmas Eve): Last morning of mañanitas, we walked to the nearby batey, sang songs, shared tea and cookies. Then after we got back, the madness begins. We practiced our dance, made the final touches, finished the piñata for Christmas, and had some down time in between. The night started at 7pm with Christmas Eve mass, then we went to share dinner and dances. Dinner was a big deal, we killed the pig earlier that morning, which is a huge delicassey during the holidays in the DR, potato salad, spaghetti, rice, bread, apples and grapes. Later that night we performed our dance and the kids were back in their houses by 1130pm. 





Christmas: I woke up and went to fill the stockings my boys made with candies and treats. Oscar, was looking out the window and scared me a little when he said, "Magdalena! Magdalena." *jumping a little* "OSCAR. Go get the keys from the tía, open the door, and get back in bed! None of the boys can leave the room, got it?" *little smile* "Okay okay" As I start stuffing the stockings, I catch out of the corner of my eye a pair of eyes peeking around the corner. When I went to tell the tía the kids can come out now, the tía called the kids and WHOOSH! Running, dashing, turning corners, kids coming out to open their stockings. Very sweet, very cute to see all of their excitement. After that, we went to the multi-uso and opened presents with everyone. The kids were called up one by one to sit on Santa's lap and receive their gift.  Mid-day, we had lunch in the park and did piñantas after, which- might I mention, Santo Domingo was voted best piñata! zinggg! 


Shortly after, I ran to the house to but the presents under the tree which were from me, my mom, and everyone who donated socks, underwear, shirts, etc. The kids were standing outside the door while I was inside and they were all confused about who had the keys. They started knocking on the door, I started knocking back. I opened the door just a crack and all of a sudden they swarm around, wanting to get in. They run in, each found their draw-string backpack with their name embroidered on it with socks and boxers (super cool). Oh they were so happy- so excited! Kept on saying how cool it was, how much they loved it, and it was just cool to see how happy they were, how their faces lit up, and just to be a part of it was something very special to me. 




Now, it's time to prep  for NYE. It will be low key, but still a little party. Before all of that, it's my weekend off and Mad Dawg needs a little TLC. Beach with the girls, sleeping, and just taking time for me. 

I really hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Throughout all of the craziness, I did miss my mom and dad- and whole family. It was different being away. Doesn't mean I didn't like it, it was an experience for sure, but just a tender heart through the holiday. I have much more of an appreciation for parents and everything they do to put on a great day for their kids and family members. It's a lot of work, a lot of stress, and although it's worth it to see those faces light up with joy, it's tiring. So a big shout out to Tim and Mary Alice for providing great Christmases in the past- even down to Tory's dog bone and firewood for a great fire. Every detail counts and every detail makes a difference. 

Love to everyone, 

 I FORGOT! We had a gingerbread house making competition on Sunday and it was SO intense. The boys, being boys, got so into it and competitive. Frosting everywhere, candy wrappers, boys yelling "NO COPYING, Magdalena, tell him not to copy! CHEATER CHEATER!" They were in teams, each group had the same amount of candy and graham crackers, a plastic spoon and knife, and it was so funny to see how into it they were. The were sawing the crackers with their knives, strategically placing chimneys and doors, snowmen, oh it was so funny. Of course a lot of them had a tummy ache after because of the amount of candy consumed, but I warned them! To wrap up the night, we watched polar express and enjoyed some popcorn. Cozy, fun, and just nice to be together as a family. 

Second Place Winners! 



too. much. candyyyy. 

competition was fierce




Wednesday, December 12, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! (not).

It does not feel like Christmas time without snow. 80 degrees, sun, slight breeze, it’s nice, but Im used to cold, cold. -15, snow, slush, the works. As Christmas nears, I’ve been doing a lot of reflection in regards to what it actually means. It’s great to get gifts, be with family, and celebrate all cozy, but if you think about it-   I have been pretty blessed by being able to celebrate Christmas with my family. To have the same tradition for years, and to be in the presence with the ones that mean the most. Waking up Christmas morning, looking out the window, snow on the ground frost on the windows, homemade carmel rolls in the oven, I guess when you’re away from something you love, you tend to miss it the most. Being here for Christmas will be different, I’m not going to lie, I probably will get a little homesick, but at the same time, if things are going as they are now, it’s going to be unbelievably busy. My 2/3 are in Haiti this week and I have been working 14 hour days. Waking up with some serious puffy eyes= not attractive. Especially when you have kids asking, “Magdalena, what happened to your face?” 

Here’s the quick run down: 

Last week: spent some time with one of my little buddies, Jofran. 3 years old, barely shows emotion, unless you bribe him with chocolate. His face is normally like this -_-, even when you tickle him. But then you say the word chocolate and boom :D Anyway, he and I have been spending time together. We go for a walk, usually to count all the busses and say what colors they are. It’s just a sweet time. Makes me smile because he is so quiet, but when we were walking and looking the busses he was just a chatty cathy. 

Friday: Home Alone with my boys. Best decision OF MY LIFE. They had already seen it, which I was surprised by, but it was still fun. We set up the projector, made popcorn, and just hung out. They were asking me before, is this the movie with keBin? HAHA! It was great. They were all laughing, getting a big kick out of keBin and it was just fun to be a part of. They all get so excited, all hands on deck, everyone helping to get it set up, Ricardito makes the popcorn, he’s our little chef, and then we turn off the lights, and it’s movie time. 

Last Saturday was Confirmation. My two godchildren were confirmed!! I was like a proud mom. Got a little teary. They were so proud. 

Sunday: We had an awesome visitor day. Avriel arranged a visit of 80 people and although she wasn’t there, she really nailed that one on the head. It was so fun. I was in charge, running around, making sure everything was set in place, taking pictures, signing up sponsors for our children, anyway we had Mass, a picnic lunch, games in the afternoon, and to end the day, SANTAAAAA CAME! It was so fun. The women that came were from the International Women’s Club in Santo Domingo. They brought their families, kids, and then a group of students from the capital also came. It was so fun- especially to see the older kids get really into it and competitive. Not to mention, Kieran, our national director, play the games too. 


Monday: A group of kids who won a drawing contest for our 2013 calender went to the movies. Nelly, a Spanish volunteer, and I took the kids to see Rise of the Guardians or Twilight. I was in the Twilight group and it was just really fun to be with a group of kids, outside of NPH. (And I got my share of deep belly laughs because I was sitting next to Josecito, the boy I scared in the video in one of my first posts, he has the best reactions). 

This weekend is my weekend off, but Sunday is the start of Mañanitas, which I don’t want to miss! We wake up at 5am and celebrate the Nativity scene 10 days before Christmas. So, Friday I will do a lot of sleeping, probably clean my room, because dear Lord is it dirty, and then just hang. I do want to make Christmas goodies with my boys for the Nursing home near by, we will see if that happens this weekend or next! Kids are in exams, school is out next week for a MONTH and then Christmas, New Years, Three Kings day, and our 10th anniversary. Lots coming up, keeping busy, and staying warm (literally)! 

To wrap things up, I want to leave you with a quote, 

 Enjoy! xx