Wednesday, April 4, 2012

“Everybody has a story, just take the time to listen”

           In June, I will be moving to the Dominican Republic where I have committed to volunteer for a year in an orphanage called, Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos. Although I have spent the last two summers there, It’s still change, more of a permanent change. Graduating from college is a change. Moving is a change. But reality is, change is everywhere, it’s an every day occurrence, and it’s how we adapt to that change. I’m constantly asking myself, “What are you doing?” “Are you really doing this?” The answer always comes down to yes. Simple as that. Yes. I’ll be in a different role, I will be living there, not coming in for a month and leaving. (Something my close friend, Avriel, Communications Officer of the home, and I joke about, “she’s the mom, and I’m the ‘fun aunt’ coming in for a visit”). 

 My Dad said this to me when we were having a conversation about my next step and how graduation is hitting me. It is something I will keep with me forever: 

“Well. Yah. That’s what graduation means. 
On to living life.
 Your big assignment is the same as everyone in the world: 
go find where you find life. 
Now it is not always easy knowing where you can and will find life. 
Often it is easily confused with where there’s no life. 
Like fear often is a great trick that gets in the way of finding life.
 Fear can be a good thing in proper context but it also can inhibit one’s dreams. 
You have learned these last four years how to learn 
and listen and discern what’s in your heart. 
Take time and quiet these last weeks to hear your soul. 
Your truth is within. Your purpose is within.
 Look for it there and not outside in what others might think
 or say or status our riches or recognitions or any of that.
 Just look and listen to the quiet within. 
God will speak to you and you will know by the life you feel; 
the confidence you receive; 
the peace that will flow around your next step after college.
 I love you.” 

To make this year possible, I have been fundraising for myself and the work I will be doing. If you'd like to make a donation, please click the NPH tab at the top of the page for more information. Your donation will be tax deductible. 

For more information on my year and NPH, please click the 'NPH' tab at the top of my page.