Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day

Sorry I haven't written in a while- This past week was a tough one. A lot of heavy hearts in the NPH family, from saying goodbye to volunteers, to sickness  to death, it has just been tough, draining actually would be a more appropriate word. And although I believe in 'feeling it to be able to accept it' in order to move forward, I do also believe that there is a positive hidden somewhere when the going gets tough, but we have to be strong enough to see it. We have to use that little ounce of strength come together with friends, family, my two other triplets and the rest of the volunteer community to be able to cry, love, laugh, and get through it together. 

On Saturday, Kristen and I went to the beach to with our kids. Well, only 6 of mine went because the rest were being horrible, so it was really fun to spend time with them. More quality, individual time and fun to be with the boys. I was knocking them off boogey boards while they were floating, tickling their feet while they weren't looking and then they got scared, and then they would chase me- make a fin with their hands, and swim towards me, as a shark would. They kill me. Aside from my raging red skin (applied multiple times Mom) it was really fun, really nice to get things off my mind and to just be. 

Well to sum up the week, Madelon was doing some exercise to rebajar her cheecha (aka get rid of her fat), and fell. Yup- I fell. Just boom, done, over. Blood coming out of my leg like a waterfall, with my boys, Thank GOD Avriel was there, although her initial reaction was to laugh, she then ran from point A to B to help the cripple get back home. Rockstar. Since then, I have been walking like I should be using a wheelchair, according to my boys, because I may or may not have thrown my back out from the incident. The answer? May have. So, have to take a break from my daily running regime, taking a break when the pain is unbearable, and having good friends to listen to me whine and be pathetic until I am better. 

The picture shows Kristen's pure concern and Avriel laughing while cleaning the wound. Naturally. 

Note: I would have laughed at me too if I saw someone fell the way I did. No- I did laugh at Avriel when gravity sucked her to the ground like it didn't want her to be mobile whatsoever. An image I cannot depict, but one that makes me laugh every time I see it.

Life is tough. It's not meant to be easy. But the challenges we get through, only make us stronger in the end. This is how we grow, this is how we learn, and this is just part of life. Learning more and more that hard things aren't meant to break us, only meant to make us stronger. Especially working with boys. They just kill me. Make everything better, even when they make me SO mad, they can just surprise you and say the smallest things that will literally change everything. 

Prayers for Boston. 

Note2: I have started walking into my house saying, "BOYS" on a more frequent basis and the response is always, "WOMUM!" never gets old. 
Hearing them tell me to constantly "go shower!", as I only do once a day. When? When it's actually time to shower. 
Palming their little almost bald heads will never get old. Especially when you grab them because they aren't doing the dishes and say, "If you don't go and wash the dishes, I am going to take your head, put it in the toilet, and flush" Reaction? they laugh. 

So then how did I get through the week? I think the picture below sums it up. 

Will always put a smile on my face. Kaki is my main man. 

And then we have pictures like this during the work day. 

Hi. And this is how we make it through.

lil guy

Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter!

This week was Spring Break at NPH and was full of activities for the children. The nuns organized outings with churches in towns along with outreach activities in which some of our children went to serve in neighboring communities. It has been a full week, but today is a day of rest, a day of being together, and the boys in Santo Domingo are fairly calm, I mean, as calm as you can be for 20 boys. 

A couple of weeks ago, right after my last post, we celebrated our house birthday! 8 years complete- we are Santo Domingo! The day started early, where I took 4 boys into town to shop for all of the food and materials for the day ahead. Esmerlin, Yomelvin, Kendy, and Antony were all waiting at the door at 745am ready to go, while the bus didn’t leave until 815am. Very excited boys if you ask me. Well, we go to the supermarket to shop for supplies for pizza. Although it wasn’t much, because they only wanted, SALAMI, on their pizza, we still enjoyed our time going up and down the aisles of the market. They picked the supplies, chose wisely and were very ‘price- sensitive’ about the items they chose. Pushing the cart, dressed in their best outfits, I said to them, ‘do we want to put any veggies on our pizza?’ Of course they looked at me in disgust, why would I even think to ask that, and NAME replied, (mind you, in his man changing voice) ‘NO. SALAMI. ONLY SALAMI’ alright, so we had salami packed pizzas. men eat meat. men hungry. NOM. 

 We celebrated our day with 4 homemade pizzas, a cake, and activities in which included; water balloon toss, pin the tail on the dinosaur, and a game in which made them dizzy so we quit early because they didn’t want to puke. awesome. The day ended with chocolate cake and candy, with glow sticks that the Kerrigan family sent for the boys, and prizes for all. It was really fun to be with our house, celebrating Santo Domingo and to be with one another. It was nice to celebrate with just our family. 

We also had a group that came and visited us from a church in California. Two of the visitors ate in our house, and they brought new light to the home. They came in with open arms, ready to learn, and ready to help. But in a way where they came to listen, they came to hear, and support. It was just comfort- nice to be in the company of people who come and give things that aren’t those tangible things, those items. Rather they are going to just love, be here for us, and one thing I thought was really cool was how they acknowledged the tias. Because usually when groups do come down, the reason is for the kids, but they came down acknowledging NPH as a whole, the people who make NPH, well NPH. Rebecca, a visitor, she really touched my heart, said something that really stuck with me, she said about this type of work- it’s hard. It’s not easy- but know that at the end of it all, Jesus is going to be there, hugging you, and telling you what a good job you did. Powerful, no? 

Okay, so obviously St. Patrick’s Day passed, but for those who know me, hi. i’m Irish. I taught Irish Dance in Colorado, and Irish Danced competitively for 10 years. So, OF COURSE on St. Patty’s Day I brought a little Irish loving to the DR. Taught my boys how to jig, as well as some of the other volunteers. 

I heard great things about the Martin Percival Dancers- I am so proud of you guys! Great Work!! And a BIG congratulations to all of my dancers who competed in the World Competition especially Mary Teresa! She did an amazing job!! 

Lastly, I have to share this story because it kills me every time- Madelon wakes up around 6am every morning to go for a run. This particular morning, she was very tired. She sleeps with earplugs in, so she doesn't have to hear anything, right so, I start waking up because I thought I heard one of my kids saying, Magdalena.... Magdalena... wrong. groggily, I get up, then I hear it again. I think to myself- wait. wait a minute. Is that my alarm? I get back in bed and set my alarm for a minute later. Alarm goes off, and it is saying- Magdaaalenaaaa, wake uppp. MAAAGDAAALENNNAAA WAKEE UPPP. 6am in the morning, I wake up to this. I thought I was going crazy. One of my boys (Ricardito) took my phone and set me a personalized alarm to get me up in the morning. The kids, they just kill me. That night after prayer before dinner, I call the boys around the table and say, "Alright- WHO TOOK MY PHONE. This morning I woke up and thought I was crazy because one of you took my phone, set my alarm, and I woke up to someone saying my name. Who was it?" Some of them started laughing, others were looking around, Ricardito put his head down, and when he looked up I said, RICARDITO WAS IT YOU? He shakes his head, nervously because he thinks he is in trouble, and then I say, "well played buddy, well played- there is chocolate for you inside" Oh they kill me. How funny is that? And my phone is cerca BC, set in english- who knew that you could do that? So. funny. 

Welp, the rain is coming in- time to watch a movie and make some popcorn with the boys. 

best snuggler in the house, Frank

toothless smile kills me